Journal 7—Peer Review Summary 


Comments and suggestions that I found most helpful and insightful from my peers were regarding my experience with purchasing Soylent. They suggested that I should explore my experiences in depth on my essay for more depth in the subject to further support my acceptance of the product. The best comments and suggestions that I offered my peers mainly revolved around grammatical and mechanical corrections in their work. We worked on improving proper MLA formatting, using commas to separate ideas and break long sentences, and quoting/citing works from Lizzie Widdicombe’s article correctly. Important feedback that I received that was not captured on the page that came up during our discussion mainly included how to cite Widdicombe’s article properly. We discussed with each other and then got further help from the professor about how to use proper MLA citations to back-up the correct location of a quote and whether we add the last name with the parentheses or not. We concluded that the best way to cite in MLA would be to announce who is talking (first and last name) before the quote is written, then just writing the quote and the page number (within parentheses) afterwards. For example: Lizzie Widdicombe explains, “Food is great!” (5). I wish we could’ve delved deeper into the actual content of our essays and what content would sound better and/or flow better when written. We mainly talked about superficial improvements and structuring, but we did not go too deep in the actual words of the essay and whether what was written in one place could’ve been written elsewhere, clarity, etc. This peer review session was much more comprehensive than the ones I’ve experienced in high school wherein the peers look deeply at the work at hand rather than just adding random suggestions here and there that do not help in the long run to the structure of the essay. I feel confident that when I write my final draft, these peer review suggestions and comments will aid in solidifying my essay into a sophisticated and concise piece of English art.